Photographer    Developer    Creative

Ocean & Underwater Photography

I'm passionate about photography. I first picked up a camera when I was seven years old and I've been hooked ever since. Over the years I've learnt and grown as a photographer. I love all genres and styles but my favourite is ocean and underwater photography. The ever-changing nature of the oceanic environment grabs me, and I love capturing it.

I've been lucky enough to swim with all manner of sealife from turtles to dolphins and even ocean giants like manta rays & humpback whales. Underwater photography is a challenging task that takes plenty of practise and patience - but it's infinitely rewarding.

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Web & Mobile Apps

I'm a software developer that focusses on native mobile apps and modern web technologies. I've built apps and tools for the web, iOS, macOS, Android, Windows, Linux and even DOS. I enjoy the challenge of software programming and am always looking for new opportunities to grow. I build apps with a focus on performance & user-friendliness.

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